Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stolen Destiny by Gabrielle Bisset

On this anniversary of unspeakable tragedy, my family and I would like to let the survivors and the families and friends of those who died ten years ago that you are, and have been in our thoughts and prayers.

Released from prison to find a murderer, a prison-hardened Varek Leale is convinced no woman deserves the man he’s become, but his Aeveren destiny makes him succumb to sweet and sexy Callia Reynolds. To catch a murderer, he and Callia must find an Aeveren with the power to control time. But Amon Kalins isn’t a man to trifle with, and when he wants something, he’ll use his powers, devastating charm, and good looks to get it.

When Amon manipulates time and seduces her away, Varek must turn to the people who set him free for help to get her back. But the Council doesn’t do anything without requiring something in return, and what they want is Amon Kalins, one of the most powerful Aeveren ever. Varek will do what he must to capture Amon and find Callia. If he doesn’t, she’ll be lost to him for untold lifetimes.

This is a gripping story, and I’d like to recommend it.  Stolen Destiny is about another species of humanoids who live side-by-side with homo sapiens.  Humans don’t realize the Aeveren are different from us, even though we interact with them daily.  We do not realize that they reincarnate and remember their previous lives, or that when they die their bodies just disappear and they immediately return in their next life—which is why our police are so baffled by the murderer Varek is sent to apprehend.  They find crime scenes, but no bodies, and none of the victims’ relatives seem concerned about the lack of their loved ones’ remains.  We do not know that some of them can see the future, read minds or manipulate time.

The problem I had with this story was that it had major point of view “head-hopping” issues.  I thought that reflected poor editing and at first blamed the publisher, but this is a case of “Nora Roberts does it and I like this more dynamic style of writing.”  Just because Nora Roberts does it, doesn’t make it right.  Danielle Steel uses a lot of comma splices in her books.  She would still fail English Composition 101 at the College of Charleston (SC) where I took it.  I don’t find head-hopping dynamic; I find it confusing and it detracts from the book for me.  I edited an author once who wanted to leave her head-hops in.  I did not want my name on that book as editor.  In this industry, and yes—I’m including the romance genre—head-hopping is considered unprofessional.  As I said, the story is good.  But the head-hopping ruined it for me.

Price:  $5.99

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