Saturday, June 15, 2013

"More Please, Ma'am..." The Coven—War n Wit, Inc., Book 3 by Gail Roughton

Daytona Bike Week. Biker’s paradise. The perfect place for Chad and Ariel Garrett to take a few days off and relax with Chad’s buddy Spike and Ariel’s little sister Stacy. But nothing ever goes as planned with that magical duo. Trouble just stalks them like a black cat. Maybe because a black cat is stalking them. A missing agent riding with an outlaw biker gang, a call from Chad’s past, and War-N-Wit, Inc.’s riding again. On Harleys! 


Writing a series is darned difficult.  People keep asking me when the next book in my Moon Rock series will be coming out and I don’t know.  I think my characters have said all they want to say, and they’re just going about their everyday lives now, and nothing exciting is happening to them.

So when someone doesn’t just manage to keep a series going, but also keeps it fresh, exciting, funny, and so- entertaining-I-couldn’t-put-The Coven-down-even-though-I was-on-deadline.  (Take a long, slow, deep breath.  There ya go.)  I only planned to take a few minutes to gulp down a quick lunch, but I sat for an hour reading and made myself go back to work.  Well, kudos to Ms. Roughton.

My only complaint is that the story wasn’t long enough.  I forgot the War N Wit series were novellas and was really disappointed at how quickly I got through it.  I worked until 11:30 that night and then finished The Coven before I went to sleep.  I highly recommend this book, but be warned—it’ll leave you wanting more! 

Length:  100 Pages

Price:  $2.99